Jeffrey Liang, Music Director & Conductor
指揮及長號演奏家梁兆豐博士,自1999年起擔任本團之指揮,並於2002年九月起接任音樂總監一職。除多次指揮樂團於紐約各地演出外,他也於2000、02及05年帶領本團前往美西、夏威夷與亞洲巡迴表演。出生於台北的梁兆豐,十六歲起於中正高中管樂團開始學習長號與指揮,1994年移居美國,分別於曼哈頓音樂學院、耶魯大學音樂研究所及紐約州立大學石溪分校取得音樂演奏學士、音樂演碩士與音樂藝術博士學位。指揮師事於耶魯大學交響樂團音樂總監Shinik Hahm先生,並先後與Per Brevig、John Swallow及Michael
指揮方面,梁兆豐先生除指揮紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團外,也多次受邀擔任台灣震撼管樂團的指揮。長號演奏方面,他於紐約各地先後舉行了十二場的個人獨奏會,也曾多次與紐約州立大學石溪分校管弦樂團與管樂團、震撼管樂團、中正高中管樂團及陽明大學管樂團合作演出長號協奏曲。2002年8月,梁兆豐先生更受邀與花蓮聯合管樂團於台灣首演作曲家迪邁吉的長號協奏曲(De Meji / T-Bone Concerto)。
積極推廣銅管音樂的梁兆豐,於2000年創立紐約大都會銅管五重奏,並帶領該團先後三次登上卡內基音樂廳之舞臺。梁兆豐先生的演出足跡遍及美亞洲各大音樂廳,包括有紐約林肯中心、卡內基音樂廳、莫爾金音樂廳、華盛頓甘迺迪藝術中心、達拉斯麥亞森音樂廳、新加坡維多利亞廳、漢城國立藝術中心、北京國圖音樂廳、北京音樂學院、天津音樂學院、上海音樂廳及台灣國家音樂廳。梁兆豐先生除了與紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團及震撼管樂團錄製了多張CD外,他也與鋼琴家林怡臻小姐於2004年7月發行了首張演奏專輯 - "古典情懷 In Love"。
Dr. Jeffrey Liang was
appointed as the Music Director of Youth Orchestra, CYCNY in 2002. Since then, Dr. Liang has been leading the
orchestra to numerous successful performances around the world, including
Vienna, Salzburg, Prague, Beijing, Shanghai, Osaka, Hong Kong, Los Angelus,
Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung,
as well as New York City.
Born in Taipei Taiwan, Dr.
Jeffrey Liang began his study of music at age sixteen. In 1994 he continued his
education in the United States. After receiving his bachelor's degree from
Manhattan School of Music, he was awarded Charles H. Ditson
Scholarship to Yale University. In May 2000, Dr. Liang received his master
degree from Yale University and was awarded a full scholarship to State
University of New York at Stony Brook. In May 2002, Dr. Liang graduated from
State University of New York and became the first trombonist from Taiwan to
receive the Doctor of Musical Arts degree.
As an active soloist, Dr.
Liang has been featured with ensembles such as the Stony Brook Graduate
Orchestra, Stony Brook Wind Ensemble, Shock Concert Band, and Taiwan National Yan-Min University Wind Ensemble. The highlight of Dr. Liang's solo appearance was performing De Meji's "T-Bone Concerto" in its Taiwan premiere
with the Hualien United Wind Ensemble in August 2002.
In July 1995, Dr. Liang was invited to perform for former President Lee of
Taiwan with the Elite Brass Quintet. In November 1999, joined by pianist Joyce
Lin, Dr. Liang gave a recital at Yale University in honor of the victims of the
September 1999 earthquake that killed more than three thousand and left eighty
thousand homeless.
As a dedicated chamber
musician, Mr. Liang co-founded the Metropolitan Brass Quintet in 2000 and made
the Weill Recital Hall debut on April 13, 2002. As an
international artist, Mr. Liang has appeared on the stages of Lincoln Center,
Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center, Dallas Meyerson Hall, Merkin Concert Hall, Staller
Center for the Arts, Singapore Victoria Hall, Seoul Arts Center in South Korea,
as well as the National Concert Hall of Taiwan.
Dr. Liang is currently on the music faculty of several schools in Long
Island. To learn more about him, please
visit his website at
Winnie Cheng-Wen Lai, Woodwind
畢業於茱麗亞音樂院,現任職於IRIS Chamber Orchestra (Memphis) 。 一九九八年獲紐約茱莉亞音樂院
(The Juilliard School) 全額獎學金,師事Elaine Douvas 、John Mack。賴政雯的演奏足跡遍布美亞各大音樂廳,曾多次在
林肯中心的Avery Fisher Hall、 Alice Tully Hall、Juilliard Theater、卡納基音樂廳、Merkin Hall、Staller 中心、華盛頓Kennedy Center、洛杉磯Los Angeles Music Center、西亞圖Benaroya Hall、日本Kitara
Sapporo Concert Hall、及東京Suntory
年獲得茱莉亞音樂院雙簧管碩士,並考取美國紐約州立大學石溪分校博士班全額獎學金。 賴政雯曾獲得各大獎項: 包括選擇作為New York Young Concert Artist (YCA) Competition決賽選手、在洛杉磯Spotlight Competition、加州Idyllwild Young Artist Competition及台灣奇美藝術人才培訓獎。曾於美國公共電視台KCET的節目中播出演出,還曾與International Chamber Orchestra演奏莫札特協奏曲。另外, 她被邀請參與日本太平洋音樂節、Music of West Academy Santa Barbara、Aspen Music Festival、National Repertoire Orchestra及Marlboro Music。 賴政雯曾任教於Idyllwild 藝術學院Summer Program。除了在IRIS Chamber Orchestra的定期演出之外,也積極參與其他型態的演出,包括獨奏會、室內樂、現代音樂等。目前擔任幼獅青少年管絃樂團指導老師,並在大紐約地區教授學生。
A native of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oboist, WINNIE CHENG-WEN LAI, received
her Bachelor of Music degree and Master of Music degree from the Juilliard
School, where she studied with Elaine Douvas and John
Mack. Ms. Lai has performed extensively
both in Asian and the United States.She was invited
to participate at Aspen Music Festival, and the Music Academy of the West, and
the Marlboro Music Festival. Ms. Lai has also collaborated with the Pacific
Music Festival Orchestra in Japan, the National Repertoire Orchestra in
Colorado, and is now a member of IRIS Chamber Orchestra (Memphis). Selected as
one of the finalists at the Young Concert Artists Competition (YCA) in New
York, Ms. Lai has also been awarded First Prize at numerous competitions: including Spotlight Competition in Los
Angeles where the performance was broadcast in KCET Public Television,
Idyllwild Young Artists Competition in California. As a winner of the Idyllwild Concerto
Competition, she performed the Mozart Concerto with the international Chamber
Orchestra. In addition, Ms. Lai was a recipient of the Chi-Mei
Arts Foundation of Tai-Nan, Taiwan. Besides being an active performer, Ms. Lai
joined the oboe faculty at the Idyllwild Arts Academy Summer Program from
1999-2003. Ms. Lai is currently teaching
oboe and piano privately in New York metropolitan area.
Christopher Chung, String Faculty
大提琴老師鍾啟仁,台灣高雄市人,五歲起開始學習鋼琴、小提琴、及大提琴。 曾經連續三年獲得高雄市及台灣區音樂比賽大提琴第一名。 就讀國立台灣師範大學期間曾榮獲協奏曲比賽大提琴組第一名,並與師大音樂系交響樂團演出聖桑第一號大提琴協奏曲。 鍾老師在台灣曾任教於台北縣光仁中學音樂班,桃園西門國小音樂班,及關渡基督書院音樂系等學校。 1991-1993年間並於臺北市立交響樂團擔任大提琴助理首席,並擔任音契室內樂團及音契合唱交響樂團大提琴首席。 鍾啟仁老師除了教學外並有豐富的行政經驗,曾擔任台灣中華民國音樂教育學會及民族音樂學會的秘書,音契合唱管絃樂團的藝術行政助理及紐約雅歌音樂藝術學院的音樂總監等。 1997來美就讀Purchase College, SUNY並師事瓜內里絃樂四重奏的大提琴家Peter Wiley,並獲得音樂學士及音樂碩士學位。 有數十年教學及行政經驗的鍾啟仁老師於今年10月起擔任幼獅青少年管弦樂團的弦樂指導,並在大紐約地區教授大提琴及鋼琴學生。
Mr. Christopher Chung, a
native of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, began his musical
studies in piano, violin and cello between the ages of five and nine. Following high school, he continued his
studies in cello at the National Taiwan Normal University where he received a
Certificate of Music Education. Later in
the United States, Mr. Chung studied under the tutelage of master cellist,
Peter Wiley of the famed Guarneri Quartet at the
prestigious Conservatory of Music at Purchase College, SUNY, where he had
earned both a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Music. As an active performer, Mr. Chung served as
the Associate Principal Cellist of the Taipei Symphony Orchestra; Principal
Cellist of the Yin-Qi Symphony Orchestra and Chorus;
Principal Cellist in the Yin-Qi Chamber Orchestra;
and Cellist with the Chinese Community Chamber Orchestra at Carnegie Hall. Mr. Chung’s former teaching positions include
Guang-Ren High School, Xi-Men Elementary School and
Guan-Du Christian College in Taiwan. In 2003, at the Hwa-Sun
Culture Center in Taipei, Taiwan Mr. Chung served as the Music Director and
featured cellist for the world premiere of A Streetcar Named Desire
(Chinese-language adaptation). The
production was subsequently recorded for DVD.
Mr. Chung is currently teaching cello and piano at Song of Songs Music
School, Eastern School of Music, and privately in Long Island and Westcheter areas. Mr. Chung joined the faculty of Youth
Orchestra, CYCNY in fall 2006.
Chi-Ching Lin ,
Percussion Faculty
林季靜小姐,自幼學習鋼琴進入台南女子技術學院開始接觸打擊樂器在台期間林小姐積極參予各樂團演出,包括有台北愛樂管絃樂團、國家音樂廳交響樂團、台北市立交響樂團、台灣省立交響樂團及附設管樂團、林小姐曾任教於台北多所縣市高中小學之音樂班與管樂團。1999年考取紐約市立皇后大學音樂系,並榮獲獎學金。在校期間,與校內樂團及打擊樂團演出,林小姐也曾分別於2001及2002年擔任紐約市立打擊音樂節之木琴獨奏演出者。2004畢業於Mannes音樂學院,在學期間學習管弦樂、現代室內樂與現代打擊樂,也知名手鼓家Glen Velez 學習非洲、墨西哥和巴西手鼓,活耀於紐約市州各大音樂廳與學校的林季靜和許多知名紐約樂團於林肯中心、卡內基音樂廳演出。
Taiwanese percussionist Chi-Ching Lin currently performs with many orchestras in the
New York City area including, The DiCapo Opera, New
Amsterdam Symphony, One World Symphony, National Choral, The Lawyers Orchestra
and also performs with The Binghamton Philharmonic in venues such as Lincoln
Center, and Carnegie Hall. Before coming to the United States, Chi-Ching performed regularly with The Taiwan National Symphony
Orchestra, Taipei Philharmonic, and The Taiwan Woodwind Ensemble. As a soloist
Ms Lin was featured as a marimba soloist in the percussion day of New York City
in both 2001 and 2002. She has also performed with the Talujon
Percussion Quartet in NYC. Chi-Ching has studied with
Michael Lipsy, Michael Werner, Jim Priess, Barry Centanni and Glenn Valez, and holds a Professional Studies Diploma from The Mannes College of Music, a Master's of Music from Queens
College, and a Bachelors Degree from Tung-Hai
University of Taiwan. Ms Lin also serves on the percussion faculty for the
CYCNY Youth Orchestra.
Joyce Lin, Piano and Chamber Music Faculty
鋼琴家林怡臻,擁有南加大鋼琴演奏碩士及曼哈頓音樂學院學士學位,自四歲起開始學習鋼琴,曾師事於鋼琴大師 Constance Keene、Bernadene Blaha 及殷承宗先生。自幼便四處演出的她,曾多次於全國音樂比賽中獲獎。林小姐除多次以獨奏家的身分於紐約、洛杉磯及歐洲各大城市演出外,也曾以室內樂與首席鋼琴家的身分出現於紐約卡內基音樂廳、林肯中心、墨爾金音樂廳、寇登藝術中心、長島史塔樂藝術中心、達拉斯麥爾生音樂廳、洛杉磯萊克門音樂廳及台灣國家音樂廳,其中包括她2003年四月於卡內基維爾音樂廳的鋼琴獨奏首演。此外,林小姐也應邀與紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團於紐約林肯中心演出蓋希文的鋼琴協奏曲,並前往夏威夷及台灣巡迴演出。對音樂教育獨到的她,目前擁有個人的鋼琴教室,她於1999年起擔任紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團的指導老師至今。
A native of Taipei, Taiwan,
Joyce Lin began her piano study at the age of 4. Ms. Lin graduated from Manhattan School of
Music and University of Southern California, where she received her Master of
Music degree. Ms. Lin has studied with Constance Keene, Bernadene
Blaha, and Cheng-Zong Yin.
As a three-time winner of the National Music Competition of Taiwan, Ms. Lin has
performed numerous recitals and benefit concerts throughout Asia, Europe, and
United States, including her successful Weill Recital
Hall debut in April 2002. As a chamber musician, Ms. Lin is currently the
member of the New York Chamber Trio and the Jeffrey-Joyce Duo. She has worked
with outstanding musicians such as Raymond Beegle,
Alan Smith, Kevin Fitz-Gerald, Virginia Lamb, and
John Swallow. The highlight of Ms. Lin's solo engagement was performing George
Gershwin's Variations on I Got Rhythm with Youth Orchestra CYCNY on its 2002
tour to Lincoln Center, Hawaii, and major cities in Taiwan. As a dedicated
educator, Ms. Lin has been providing top quality music education in piano
performance, theory, and musicianship since 1998. Ms. Lin is currently on the faculty of Chinese
Youth Corps Orchestra of New York. To
learn more about Joyce Lin, please visit her website at