Dear Members, Parents and Staff,


Hope you all have a relaxed and joyful long weekend of Memorial Day.

It is only 11 days to our Annual Concert at Tully Hall!


There are some changes concerning the rehearsal schedules from the last time I sent you.

Here are the updated schedules: (The yellow highlights are the changed schedules)


Saturday: June 2 and June 9, extending the rehearsal from 1-5:30 pm.


There will be no extra rehearsal on Friday, June 8, due to the MS 158 has a Senior Dance Event.


Friday, June 15, extra rehearsal from 6-9 pm.

Saturday, June 16, 2:30 -5:50 pm Dress Rehearsal on stage of Tully Hall, please come with concert attire.


Saturday: June 16, 8 pm concert (be on the back stage  at 7:30 pm )


Sunday, June 17, 10:30 am Father's Day Concert at Silvercrest Center

(144-45 87th Street Briarwood, NY 11435 T. 718-480-4007 )


Saturday, June 23, 12-2 pm REHEARSA at MS 158: FOR TOUR MEMGBERS ONLY

Saturday, June 23, 2-4 pm Graduation Party for all members, families, and staff  at MS 158.

(The Orchestra will prepare the main dishes. For desserts, fruits and drinks are welcome and appreciated, if you can contribute.)




Patsy Chen

Youth Orchestra, CYCNY