175 Willoughby St. #2A, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Tel. 718-834-8904, 347-306-2511 e-mail : , or


Dear Members, Parents, Staff and Friends,


The Youth Orchestra, CYCNY will present its annual Holiday Concert at Cardozo High School, 5700 223rd St., Bayside, NY 11364, on Sunday, December 16, 2012 at 4PM. This is a bilingual and bi-cultural youth orchestra serving the talented young musicians living in the New York Metropolitan area. Our 63 members are young and talented musicians, age 10 to 18. They enjoy the weekly rehearsals during the school year, at MS 158 in Bayside, Queens, as well as the performances of the annual Holiday and Annual Concerts.

For the Holiday Concert and our Annual Concert at the newly renovated Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center on Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 8PM. Youth Orchestra will publish a journal presenting the organization, its staff, members and sponsors. Individual and corporate sponsors are invited to support the publication. We welcome advertisements and donations.



Front Cover: Youth Orchestra, CYCNY

Back Cover:


Front & Back inside cover: $800

Full page


One-half (1/2) page: $300

One-quarter (1/4) page:




A sponsor page will list the names of individuals and corporations for their generous donations supporting the Youth Orchestra, CYCNY. Please refer to the form below. All donations are tax-deductible and must be received before December 6, 2012. We appreciate the support from the parents, friends, sponsors and individuals for their sacrifice, assistance and dedication. There is a 50% discount on the 2nd ad, when you advertise in both the Holiday and Spring Concert Journals.




Jason Chang, Executive Director                                     Patsy Chen, Artistic Director


Jason Chang T. 347-306-2511/

Patsy Chen,T. 718-834-8904/



Cut along the line and mail your check enclosing the completed form below


All ads & donations must be received on or before December 6, 2012.  Please complete:


I would like to support the YOUTH ORCHESTRA, CYCNY and enclose my donation check for: $__________.

Name: ______________________________________ Telephone: (_____)_______________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________


I would like to place an ad in the YOUTH ORCHESTRA, CYCNY Journal for Holiday (    ) or Spring Concert (   )   

or both concerts (    ) and enclose my check for $________________.

Back cover ($1200) ________ Front/Back inside cover ($800) ________(Circle one)

Full page ($500) ________One-half page ($300) ________One-quarter page ($200) ________


Company: ______________________ Telephone (____) ______________ Fax: (____)______________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

I enclose a business card: ______________; company logo: ______________; layout copy:___________

Special design: ___________ or other: ____________________________________________________