紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團 (Youth Orchestra, CYCNY)

紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團今夏完成其第七次亞洲旅行巡迴演奏,與臺灣新北市大豐國小管弦樂團共同演出音樂會於日 本和台灣,以及就地旅遊紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂園,成立於 1996年,自 1997年向紐約州政府註冊為非營利機構,

1998-2007年列入紐約市政府燈塔計畫 (The Beacon Program) 0 1999年起至今多次獲得紐約市皇后藝術基金協會 (Queens

Council on the Arts)頒發紐約州藝術基金協會 (New York State Council on the Arts)、紐約市文化事務局(New York City Department of Cultural Affairs) 獎助基金及 JP MorganChase錯行獎助基金;並獲紐約臺北經濟文化辦事處、臺北文化中 心以及紐約華僑文教中心支持 1998年以來,紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團所推出的聖誕音樂會Holiday Concert} 為皇后區聖誕佳節傳統慶典之一

紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團秉持著「服務社區﹒教育英才」和「幼吾幼以及人之幼」的理念,成立以來,在社區中多次 親善演出,行跡遍及圖書館、公園、學校、當老與復健中心、佛光山鹿野苑和台灣會館等除每年定期於皇后區舉辦 的聖誕音樂會與林肯中心年度音樂會之外,曾舉辦七次美亞巡過(1997199920022005200720102012)、兩 次美國西擇 (1998 . 2000)以及一次歐沖|006)演奏之旅,於舊金山、洛杉磯、聖地牙哥、夏戚夷、臺北、宜蘭、台中、 鹿港、高雄、金門、廈門、北京、上海、香港、大販、維也納、薩爾斯堡、布拉格等地,舉辦過數十場親善交流音樂 會,不僅開拓了團員們的視野,也達到音樂交流的使命

樂團團員年紀為10-18歲,來自每年九月與 月兩次甄試,經錄取後,十月至六月之每週六下午 時至四時. f皇后區 158初中(Marie Curie Middle School)排練由多位資{憂指導老師教學,包括梁兆豐/音樂總監、鍾啟仁/指揮及弦樂、 林季靜/打擊樂、張若敲/管樂、張紀嚴/ 譜務及木管等 紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團每年舉行兩次大型音樂會,並經常趾社區醫院或老人院慈善演出;明年五月二十五日將於林 肯中心愛麗斯特莉廳(Alice Tully Hall)演出

The Youth Orchestra is a Queens-based Youth Orchestra since 1996. The orchestra holds its open audition in the fall for new members; it meets for rehearsal on each Saturday from 1-4 PMat MS 158 in BaysideQueensfrom October to June. Our excellent faculty members are: Jeffrey Liangmusic director; ChiJen Christopher Chungconductor & string; Chi -Ching Grace Linpercussion; Lovell Changwind & brass; Chiwei Changwind & Librarian.

The orchestra presents two formal concerts annually. One free Holiday Concert for the community during holiday season in Queens; and one Annual Concert at Lincoln Center in spring. The orchestra also performs concerts for community service at nursing homes. In some summers, this orchestra had 0rganized concert tours to west Coast, Europe and Asia. The 7th Asia Tour was successfully accomplished in the summer of 2012performed in concerts with Da-Feng Elementary School Orchestra of New Taipei City in Osaka and Taipei under the conducting of Cheng-Wen Winnie Lai and Tze-Fu Liu.

Our mission is to provide the multicultural and orchestral experiences to talented and serious musical students age 10-18with our unique repertories of Classical Popular JazzFilmBroadway and Asian Music. Many of our members are new immigrantsthey are enthusiastic to learn the music in the US; as well as, some American-born 2nd and 3rd generation youngsterswho would like to know the music of their heritage. Our program is sponsoredin part by the Public Funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs; other sponsors including: Culture Center & Taipei Cultural Center of Taipei Economic and Culture Office in New York.