紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團2022-23 年度徵召 新團員 (新聞稿)


紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團徵召2022-23 年度新團員甄試訂於 9 17(周六)下午1-4PM假皇后區貝賽MS 158初中舉行 。 歡迎具備樂器經驗,學過小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音提琴、長笛、雙簧管、豎笛、低音管、法國號、小號、長號、低音號與打擊樂器等1018歲 學生報名預約。

 獲選團員每周六下午1-4時在MS 158初中練習。甄試與練習地點均為MS 158初中 (46-35 Oceania Street, Bayside, NY 11361) 

詳情請電:    347-306-2511張俊生或917-912-8288方秀蓉,

網址:        www.youthorchestra.com         電郵:    YouthOrchestraCYCNY@gmail.com


此外 ,該樂團業已排定2022-23年連臺好戲與精彩演出敬請各界及早撥冗騰空出席。將舉辦第25年度聖誕音樂會時間為20221218(周日)下午4時,地點將在皇后區貝賽。

 2022年度學生才藝演奏會訂於325(周六下午4時, 於法拉盛台灣會館舉行讓團員展示個人獨奏或室內樂表演 ; 皇后區的大型音樂會將於202363(周六晚上7時也將於台灣會館舉行,   台灣會館地址為137-44 Northern Blvd, Flushing, NY 11354


而每年重中之重的林肯中心音樂會排在2023617(周六)晚上7時半舉行,地點是愛麗斯.特(Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center) ,地址為曼哈頓上西城百老匯大道1941號。


紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團音樂總監兼指揮/鍾啟仁 指導老師為弦樂/黃東瀛木管/廖信惠銅管/張若葳 ,打擊樂/林季靜,鋼琴/張紀葳,音樂譜務黃馨儀 .

紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團 為501 ( c ) (3) 團體由團員家長社區賢達以及

紐約市文化事務局 (New York City Department of Cultural Affairs) 、紐約市議會(New York City Council) 、紐約市議員黃敏儀 (New York City Council Member Sandra Ung)JP Morgan Chase銀行、紐約第一銀行等頒發獎助基金;並獲The Oasis FoundationThe Jatain Foundation,  僑務委員會、駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處 和紐約華僑文教服務中心支持。



圖一:   多年以來,紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團 2022  18  日在林肯中心舉行年度音樂會照片

圖二:   幼獅樂團音樂總監暨指揮鍾啟仁。



Youth Orchestra, CYCNY 2022-23 Audition for New Members


The Youth Orchestra, CYCNY, a Queens-based youth orchestra since 1996 is pleased to announce the 2022-23 audition for new members, aged 10-18, who have been learning an orchestral instrument with a private teacher for about 2-3 years, and are interested in our bilingual repertory of Western and Eastern music.


The audition date will be on Saturday, September 17, from 1-4 pm at Marie Curie MS158-address 46-35 Oceania St., Bayside, NY  11461,

For more information please contact Artistic Director Patsy Chen at 917-912-8288 E-mail: patsychen@aol.com, or Executive Director Jason Chang at 347-306-2511 YouthOrchestraCYCNY@gmail.com,

For more information, please visit the website: www.YouthOrchestra.com.


The auditioning instruments will be the flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba, violin, viola, cello, bass, harp, and percussion. The audition requirements are:

1.     One solo piece of the applicant's choice

2.     Two-octave scales

3.     Sight-reading


 The uniqueness of this youth orchestra is its repertory of Classical, Popular, Jazz, Film, Broadway, and Asian music.

The orchestra meets for rehearsal on each Saturday from 1- 4 PM at Middle School 158 in Bayside, Queens from late September to mid-June.


In 2022-23 Season, the orchestra will present all members and faculty to perform in three full-length formal concerts.

A traditional Holiday Concert in Queens since 1998 will be on December 18, 2022, in Bayside, with free admission to the general public.

The 6th Student and Faculty Recital will take place at Taiwan Center in Flushing on March 25, 2023.

The 7th Annual Concert at Taiwan Center in Flushing is on June 3, 2023.

The 19thAnnual Lincoln Center Concert at Alice Tully Hall is set on June 17, 2023.


The outstanding faculty members are graduates from the top US conservatories and universities, they are: Chijen Christopher Chung/conductor & strings, Tony Tungying Huang/strings, HsinHui Karen Liao and Lovell Chang/winds & brass, ChiChing Grace Lin/percussion, Chiwei Chang/piano, and Hsinyi Huang, librarian.


Youth Orchestra, CYCNY is a 501 (c) (3) organization since 2002 and registered with New York State as a non-profit organization in 1997.



Some projects of Youth Orchestra, CYCNY are made possible with the funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, The New York City Council designated by Sandra Ung, The Oasis Foundation, The Jatain Foundation, Taipei Cultural Center & Culture Center of Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in New York. 





Photo 1: Group photo of Youth Orchestra, CYCNY on June 4, 2022, at Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center.

Photo 2: Chijen Christopher Chung, Music Director/Conductor  

Ronald Ji, photography